Hello dance lovers,
November begins the “season of giving”. It is not just a time to think about what to “give” others as holiday gifts, but a time to give thanks for milestones, successes, and new initiatives both big and small. Perhaps you’d consider purchasing a Dance Alliance tee or tank in black or aqua or purple for just $12 plus shipping – email capitalregiondancealliance@gmail.com if you are interested. Or consider a purchasing a membership for a friend or family member (as little as $6 per year for seniors and students!). 2023 will bring opportunities for discounts to dance events, the ability to learn about exciting performances in the Greater Capital Region, scholarships and grants available to individuals and organizations, and the chance to share YOUR milestones, successes, and new initiatives with our subscribers. http://www.dancealliance.org/online-membership-application/
Dance Alliance is grateful to the shoppers and supporters who purchased Hannaford reusable shopping bags at the Weibel Avenue, Saratoga Springs store during October. We received $182 toward our general operating budget!
Our scholarship committee received a heartfelt and informative letter of gratitude from the summer 2022 recipient of the Pat & Sven Peterson scholarship. Kayleigh Duggan attended Bates Dance Festival. Her report included an in-depth explanation of her varied dance experiences and stunning photographs.
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving and expressing gratitude for your support for our organization which will celebrate 45 years next year.
Vive la danse,
Mary Anne Fantauzzi
Dance Alliance president