DANCING THROUGH TIME IS COMING BACK! So many of our D A members remember Pat Peterson leading this program since the late 1990’s in the studios behind the National Museum of Dance. During COVID, a virtual version was offered (funded in part by a grant from SISC). Thanks to a generous donation from longtime “Ageless Dancer” participant Toby Ansin and another partnership opportunity with SOTA, the program will return in January 2024. The DTT planning committee is currently looking for instructors with expertise in genres of dance pertinent to Black History Month. Ideas center around the National Museum of Dance virtual series called “Changing the Face of Dance in America” featuring Katherine Dunham, The Nicholas Brothers, Gregory Hines, Bill Bojangles Robinson, Ben Vereen, Frankie Manning, Bill T. Jones, Alvin Ailey, and Arthur Mitchell. Different genres (tap, modern, Broadway, Swing, and ballet) and four to five different instructors would be ideal. Please submit your interest via email: tentative January day/time availability and experience in a specific genre to Mary Anne Fantauzzi at capitalregiondancealliance@gmail.com by Monday, May 1, 2023.